Category: Food and sanitation

  • The Plague of Food

    According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are about 76 million cases every year of food borne diseases in the United States. These include salmonella and E. coli. A lot of people contract these diseases because they do not know what food to avoid. A basic food safety course can…

  • Food Safety Course

    Food borne illness is a very serious problem, as there were more than five million cases just of food borne norovirus in the US in 2011. Almost fifteen thousand of them required hospitalization, and none of these numbers include salmonella, E. Coli, and other bacteria that can be found in food. While most E. Coli…

  • Reasons To Take A Food Protection Course

    The disease Salmonellosis costs food establishments over $2.5 billion every year due to clients getting sick after eating bad food. If you are trying to ensure that your organization has the ability to handle food properly, you should look for a good food protection course. The best food and hygiene course is one that will…