In the past six years, the federal government has had a nearly 680 percent increase in cyber security issues. When you are looking for a next gen network security, there are firms that you can work with. Selecting the best next generation network is essential to being able to protect your company’s data from outside access. With the right network in place, you can feel confident that your data is as protected as it can be.
During 2011, the federal government spent over $10 billion to protect IT. When you work with the right software firm, you will be able to get a next gen network security solution that is specific to what your organization needs. The best intrusion prevention system will be able to keep hackers and malware at bay. Making sure that you find the best solution for your company is essential to keeping your network as secure as possible.
Any business that is online must have a firewall to prevent attacks on their IT system. A next gen network security solution is the best chance that you have of keeping your data safe from unauthorized access. When your company uses an intrusion detection system, your IT team will have a much easier time of being able to keep intruders out.
The US Government Accountability Office has data that says from 2010 to 2011, there was an increase of over 2,000 security cases, from 13,017 in 2010. Working with the best software firm with allow you to get a next gen network security software solution that is specific to what your company needs. Getting an enterprise firewall software application is the best choice for your company to make as it will give you the help that you need to keep your company’s data as safe as it possibly can be.
For business in the UK, the cost of security breaches has risen over 65 percent in the last five years. A next gen network security software application is one of the best options available to keep your data safe. You need to be certain that you find a software solution that is specific to what your company needs. Getting help choosing a network security platform is the right choice to make as it will allow you to find a solution that matches the needs of your company.